In order not to get into the sad story of buying an apartment in a new building, it is better to know all the pitfalls in advance and learn from other people’s mistakes. Mistake # 1. Hurry If you are ...

When it comes to house selling, New York City is a unique environment and one of the most challenging major markets in the United States. On one hand, house prices are very high compared to anywhere else in America. On ...

When choosing housing in the primary market, especially if the budget is modest, the question arises: how to buy a new building cheaper? You can save on the purchase of primary products in different ways. The easiest one is to buy an ...

Real estate lawyers are experts who specialize in the learning and practicing of real estate market laws. They are aware of the slightest rules and formalities that take place during a real estate market transaction. All the property deals that ...

If you’re lucky enough to own a landed property, like Pollen Collection in Nim Road, Singapore, you’re likely to own a larger home than many condominiums or HBDs in Singapore. Perhaps, you even own a few stories in the house, ...

Part of the appeal of living in or visiting Manhattan is the hustle and bustle of the city that never sleeps, but sometimes we all need a little rest and relaxation. If you own a piece of Manhattan real estate ...

One of the most common questions that Americans ask when they are considering a vacation in Latin America is “How do I sell my house in Costa Rica?” The difficulty with selling a real estate property in any part of ...

The specifications; Every building has its own specifications. Those that are based on size and on the bass of the location and also how it is built in the region as they can come in with the gated communities where ...

Buying a house is considered a very important decision in anyone’s life as it involves several other things apart from just the money. It involves finding the ideal location that suits your requirements, several agreements and paperwork, and most importantly, ...

If you have never signed a contract for a commercial property for lease before, you may assume that the lease is fairly straight forward, much like a residential one. But, commercial leases are very different than residential ones, and they ...