The Unique Revenue Sources for Odor Removal Service

In the field of disaster restoration, projects have ebbs and flows. To keep up with operational and living costs, you need constant job load. There are times when things will become extremely slow. All workshop, warehouse, factories and residential apartments stay organized, leaving you with little to no work. As each day passes, you keep waiting for that phone call. For this reason, restoration companies are now diversifying in a bid to get continuous inflow of projects. No business would like to stay idle. In order to get steady flow of revenue, then you may want to consider other sources of revenue. In this case, odor removal service comes to mind. 

For those looking towards odor removal service with the hope of owning some hydroxyl generators in no distance time, there are great ways to generate income for your company. You don’t have to rely on law enforcement agents or insurance companies to get job done. Here are the three unique ways to generate new revenue

  1. Realtors

This field of business is in constant need of experts who specialize in odor removal service. For realtors and property manager, an odor free home doesn’t stay on the property market for too long. For this reason, realtors and property managers need odor removal service provider to get rid of all kinds of bad smell in the property. This may include cigarette odors, pet odors, ethnic food odors and many more. All you need do is to set up hydroxyl machines in the affected property to get rid of these odors. These generators will make sure that the bad smell is completely eliminated, not just from the air but also content with the property that absorbed those odors. Placing these odor removal machines in strategic locations will get the job done. You may want to consider building a close work relationship with realtors and property managers within your locality. 

  1. Educational Institutions

If you are into disaster restoration service and offer odor removal service, schools are one of the best places for steady flow of income. After all, it is hard to open a boy’s locker room after the school’s football season without being hit hard by the bad smells emanating from sweaty football pads. Worst part is that all gear and equipment absorb the odor as well. In this case, the school will most likely need odor removal service to help make the locker rooms odor free. 

Creating a relationship with local school districts might be all you need to hit another jackpot. You are guaranteed of a few big cleaning contracts annually. You will be surprised to know that these schools have been looking for ways to make their locker room smell nice. 

So if you are considering investing in odor removal services, do not joke with educational institutions and the real estate sector. Having an ongoing contract with professionals in this field will guarantee steady flow of income and constant revenue for you and your team, throughout the year.