The Definitive Guide to Choosing the Best Countertop Material for Your Kitchen

The kitchen bench is a flat and horizontal structure used to perform various tasks, such as storing utensils, cutting vegetables, and preparing food. In short, a good countertop must be beautiful, functional, and easy to clean.

There are several models of kitchen countertops in zenith kitchen and bath for example, which differ concerning the material used on the surface. Furthermore, the pieces also vary in terms of shape and size.

The most modern countertops, which often play the role of a central island, have an integrated sink, cooktop, and even strategic lighting, making it easier to carry out activities.

The way the items on the bench are arranged is also important. The idea is always to respect a work triangle in the project, which does not place the cooktop next to the refrigerator. The ideal configuration is cooktop – sink – refrigerator.

Regarding the dimensions of the bench, some measurements are relevant:

Depth: 55 to 60 cm to accommodate the furniture at the bottom and install the cooktop.

Sectorization: The distance from one sector to another (cooktop, kitchen sink, and refrigerator) should average 40cm. The area reserved for food preparation must be at least 60 cm.

Height: so that the resident can cook and wash dishes in comfort, the ideal height of the worktop is between 88cm and 98cm. This measurement may vary depending on the average height of the people living in the house.

Elements That Make Up The Kitchen Countertop

Main kitchen countertop models

It is important to How to Choose the Best Countertop Material, you must consider the needs of the home’s residents and the intensity of use. Architects generally recommend the use of natural or synthetic stones in the work. Understand each option better:

One of the most used stones for kitchen countertops is granite. This popular material has a reduced cost compared to other options. Furthermore, it is famous for its durability and resistance.

As a natural material, you will find several types of granite on the market, which differ in color and detail. White granite is generally indicated for a cleaner kitchen. On the other hand, black granite gives a modern look to the environment and does not let dirt show up so easily.

Granite kitchen countertops are advantageous because they are affordable, easy to clean, and resistant to scratches. The only disadvantage is that the stone does not resist the action of certain acids.

Investing in granite countertops is a way to save money. A square meter of this material costs R$200 to R$1,500.