PV-Anlage or PV System – Things To Know About Photovoltaics

Every home and the commercial building owner is using electrically operated machines or devices day and night that’s why we don’t complain when our energy bills are high since we know how much we consume. I guess that is a sign that we have to consider a PV-Anlag or plant in the area because this would surely help in reducing the high cost of electricity today, especially when everybody is at home. But installing a photovoltaic system must be carefully planned because this is an important method of using renewable energy.

You might even be wondering why these devices must be used in residential or commercial areas when you all have money to pay for your monthly dues. Or maybe some of you find it a hassle to install such stuff and to purchase something like this is not included in your budget or was never in your intention. However, you should have considered also how this will benefit you in the long run since these are renewable energies and a good alternative when it comes to a power supply.

I guess you have to learn more about installing PV systems because even if it could be expensive for you to own these, purchasing can be managed onan installment basis to make it more affordable for homeowners and owners of small companies. You just have to look for providers who offer better payment terms in your area and be pretty sure that there is one that meets your preferences. Keep in mind that photovoltaics has already been introduced in the market and different countries so let us be aware of what PV is and support this system as well.

Photovoltaic System

This uses sunlight and converts this into electricity through photoelectric technology and this is a renewable, non-polluting, and inexhaustible type of energy supply. With the photoelectric effect, light particles or photons are absorbed in a form of solar radiation and then, electrons are released to generate electricity. This uses photovoltaic cells or semiconductor devices made from various materials.

One is a single crystal or monocrystalline silicon which has an average of 18 to 20 percent efficiency. We also have polycrystalline silicon or blocks of crystals has an average of 16 to 17.5 percent efficiency. And then, disordered crystalline or amorphous silicon only comes with 8 to 9 percent efficiency.

A higher percentage of efficiency performs better. But with lower performance, the price is also cheaper. In my opinion, it is better to choose the ones with higher efficiency rates even when they are more expensive so that better performance can be achieved and experienced.


A type of installation that is connected to the grid has three elements and one is the PV panels which are groups of cells that are mounted in between silicon layers so these are the ones capturing radiations from the sun and transforming these photons into electrons or electrical energies. Another element is the inverters are incharge of converting electrons that the panels produce for consumption. The last element is the transformers which are needed to raise the low voltage, which the inverters generate, to a medium voltage.

While the other type is off-grid facilities that are isolatedly operating in remote areas and need lighting, telecommunication, and pump irrigation support. These types need batteries for storing unused energy that the panels produced so it is like a reserved power supply. Controllers are also needed so that the batteries won’t be overcharged and to maintain their efficiency.


With this source of electricity, there is no fuel consumption or waste generation which is why the eco-friendly feature is sustained and through this, we can help reduce pollution. As concerned individuals, we have to contribute to going green because various issues, such as climate change harm our lives.

Modular installation can help us decide what to use because the panels can be planted on your home’s roof or the ground for wider use. Rural areas that lack power lines may be installed with solar panels and the charged batteries can be used for emergencies.

To have these in rural areas is a sign of development and hope for the residents. Purchasing this can help boost the economy and lives of people, especially those who are trained to install these devices.