Fine Solutions to Dump Your Junk Now

Street junk bins are a versatile product. They can be easily fixed both on the existing poles on the street and can be purchased with their own fastening system. Thus, you have complete flexibility for can be placed. Being small, they can be easily transported even in the hardest to reach areas or not at all to cars.

  • With a maximum capacity of 50 liters, street bins can be emptied by anyone using a special key to open the bottom. Suitable bags can be used for their most hygienic handling. They are available in colors symbolic of selective collection.

They are found in three different sizes: bins of 120 liters, bins 240 liters and the respective bins of 360 liters. The smallest, 120 and 240 liters are used individually by any person. In case of junk removal fairfax this is important.

The largest by companies with high traffic of clients / staff: Restaurant, bar, multinational companies, office buildings, hospitals, medical clinics, private schools.

The bins with a capacity of 360 liters can be used for town hall administration locations, but which bring many people together, parks, areas where they organize concerts or fairs, schools and universities, institutions with many people in the organization chart.

Street junk bins

Also a very well-known solution, street junk bins are a solution for waste collection and storage in certain areas of a city / town.

  • Waste management and recycling is an activity which consists for the professional in ensuring the management of waste from their production to their treatment. This activity includes collection, transport, recovery operation (allowing waste to serve useful purposes as a replacement for other substances), or even waste disposal.
  • Recycling, on the other hand, is a recovery operation which consists of treating waste with a view to its reuse either for its initially intended purpose, or for another purpose.

Competent Business Formalities Center (CFE)

The competent CFE depends on the nature of the structure in which the activity is carried out. As the activity is of a commercial nature, the competent CFE is the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI).

No professional qualification is required for the professional wishing to exercise the activity of waste management and recycling.

However, when its activity relates to installations classified for the protection of the environment (ICPE), it will be required to carry out specific formalities.

Professional qualifications – European nationals

No specific provision is made for a national of a Member State of the European Union (EU) or of a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area in order to exercise the activity waste management and recycling, on a temporary and occasional or permanent basis, in France.