Advantages Of Using Bamboo Floors

Bamboo has always been a part of architecture as a building material. Still, the use of bamboo as a structural element or in interior design goes much further than just using this eco-friendly material. It is visually striking; it has an almost perfect elasticity about its strength, which is also inexpensive. 

Bamboo comes from the grass genus, a grass, but it has a woody trunk with the peculiarity, the bamboo cane that we all know. It should be considered that it has two primary advantages over its traditionally direct competitor, wood. Its speed of growth and maximum hardness state is established after three years, besides its ease of propagation, which in some cases is even a disadvantage. It grows in almost all continents except Europe.


Bamboo, as a sustainable material, absorbs considerably more carbon dioxide than pine. It is a real storehouse of carbon dioxide; remember that it is the most potent greenhouse gas, emitted by our factories and transport, and the culprit of climate change. It usually has a life of 10 years, and when it dies, it returns the carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, so it is preferable – in this aspect – to take advantage of it and let a new litter grow. Although it may seem alarming in some technical characteristics, it performs better than wood, concrete, and even steel. For a couple of years now, the installation of bamboo flooring has been implemented. Compared to wood floors, bamboo floors have many virtues.

A bamboo floor contributes to the environment and the growing season of bamboo is much shorter than the decades of hardwood forests to mature. Each year, a mother tree makes several new stems that grow to full length in a few months to develop and hardness in about five years, so bamboo flooring has abundant natural resources. Bamboo flooring is more complicated, so it is more durable than hardwood flooring.

Bamboo flooring can be installed in very little time. It usually comes ready-made and finished, so there is no need for polishing, sanding, and additional finishing like hardwoods, which take up to months for installation. Once installed, it can be nailed or glued. Except for the above, bamboo flooring has better grain and is more elegant and graceful than hardwood flooring. Depending on the method of production, there is a vertical and horizontal bamboo solid. Vertical has a more original appearance, while flat – natural.

Bamboo flooring has no disadvantages of being in contact with water or installed in wet areas because its natural qualities are maintained in excellent condition even though these harmful factors are circling the environment.

For this reason, bamboo floors can be used without problems in bathrooms and kitchens, giving them a much fresher and natural look. If you have always thought about the idea of covering your floor with wood, accept the advice of a professional and opt for bamboo floors as they are the most resistant, and also, the attractiveness they offer is much greater. But for bamboo flooring to last as long as it is presumed to, some care needs to be devoted to it. It is nothing that requires a lot of work, nor a lot of time, but simply some care that will allow you to show off a bamboo floor in good condition for a much longer time.