6 Tips To Prepare Your Home Before a Pressure Washing Service

Are you thinking of hiring pressure washing services for your home? Congratulations. This is always a good option if you want to get rid of stains, rust, grime, and nasty slime which could have accumulated around your driveway and walls. This is a simple, eco-friendly, and cost-effective way of making sure your home is clean and that it has the same curb appeal it used to have. Before your pressure washing services could commence, however, there are some things you need to prepare for.

Seal up

Make sure that all windows and doors are properly sealed up, closed and locked before pressure washing. You do not want to worry about water damage. Check the window and door weather seals. While they can survive regular hosing down, always remember that pressure washing has more force. Make sure these weatherproofing seals are sturdy and properly installed.

Cover or remove

If you have stuff lying in the path of the areas you would want to pressure wash, make sure that they are either removed out of the way or covered with water-proof material. If they are in the way, you will suffer from two things: they can get water damaged and the area underneath or behind them won’t be cleaned properly.

Keep plants away

If you have potted plants or even just vases, keep them out of the path of the pressure washer. Plants will not survive pressure washing. The flow will be too forceful for them and you will end up with either dead or damaged plants after pressure washing. Even if only the ground around them would be pressure washed, it is still better to move them to a different space altogether.

Kids and pets

You must also keep pets and kids away from the path of pressure washers as much as possible. They could probably dodge the pressure washing flow itself, but they are not safe from possible offshoots from pebbles and other rocks that the pressure washer touches. To avoid injuries, make sure that pets and kids are all safely inside the home or in another place during your pressure washing service.

Electricity check

Whenever you have water services done, you need to make sure that there are no live wires or anything electric exposed. Before your pressure washing service, survey the area. Check for wires and other electrical components which could be exposed or could be in the path of the pressure washer. Make sure these are all properly protected from the water before having your home pressure washed. Also, check overhead. Exposed wires could be vulnerable. Electricity and water never mix well and if any of these electric wires are exposed, they can even put your service provider’s like at risk. As a client, it is your responsibility to protect their safety as well.

Choose the type of wash

Pressure washing is a great idea but for really stubborn, problem spots, power washing could provide better solutions. This combines high pressure with heated water. In some cases, providers can also use appropriate chemicals to aid with the removal of grime. Talk to your service provider about this and make sure that safety protocols are followed during your pressure washing session.

Need help pressure washing your decks, patios, home exteriors, furniture, equipment or practically anything, contact us today at JCS Home Services.